Roma 2003 | Intersteno Italy | Internet contest



Instructions and advices


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Schulen - Laendern

Competition schedule



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F.A.Q. and advices for the Internet competition.

How is counted the number of written strokes? According to the traditional counting set-up by Intersteno, each written letter counts 1, except the combinations needing 2 or 3 strokes, for example Capital letters,Alt Gr + another key etc. In this evenience the counting is 2 or 3 according to the number of keys used in the composition.
Why there are different versions for the same language? Because languages are written with different linguistic models, different composition rules (for example different number of spaces pertaining to the puntuation) and moreover with different keyboard layouts. Having dfferent layouts means that the combinations needing two or three keys, are different from a language to another one. The software intercepting the faults must know these differences.
How faults are counted?
The detection and counting of faults, is done according to what is forseen by the latest rules of the Intersteno, as stated in paragraph n. 7
The number of strokes in the copied text is determined on the basis of the counted original text.
For words or lines either added or omitted, the corresponding number of strokes will be either added or deducted.
One penalty point will be calculated for the following errors:
·missing, additional, or modified characters (maximum one error per word is counted)
·transposition of two characters or two words
· missing or additional words or word groups
·missing or extra spacing
·missing, twice typed, and transposed lines

The evaluation software, detects and counts the faults according to the above stated rules, and at the end of the training or at the end of the competition, shows the faults counted. For control and motivation purposes, the faults are indicated with different colours.
How many faults are allowed?   For this competition, which is reserved to young students, the faults cannot exceed 1 % of the written strokes. The rules for the Wordlwide Championships forsee 0,25 %, in so far the word processing softwares to-day can automatically correct faults. This feature must be wisely used for getting the best results. .
What means 'points'? The points are calculated deducting from the total written strokes (counted as above stated) the number of faults multiplied by 50.  In the worldwide competition this 'weight' is 100. The points show the results in the classification list, who makes less faults get a better score, even if the speed is the same..
While writing can I correct my faults?  It is possible to correct. The software detects and counts only the effective stroks (therefore not the ones you do for correcting).
What happens if I  shortly stop writing? The software permits stopping up to 15 seconds. If this time is exceed, there is an automatic calculation of the results. The evalutation is always referred to the length of writing (1 minutes - 10 minutes etc) not to the used real lengh of time.
When I end my competition test, how my result is saved ? Results are automatically sent by Internet to the Server, where they are saved in the data base. Resuts are immediately visible in the classification lists in this part of the website.  (two list: till 16  and from 17 till 20 years of age).
May I write several times the competition text? No! The competition text can only be written once, otherwise it would not be a competition. The software automatically forbids any writing after the first trial.
How I am informed that my results have been saved? As soon as the results are received in our web-site, a message is sent and appears in the same window where you have written. The results are also immediately shown in the classification list, according to your age group.

Contents copyrighted © by Gian Paolo Trivulzio except where otherwise noted.
Interface entirely developed and copyrighted © 2002-2024.
All rights reserved.
In loving memory of Gian Paolo Trivulzio.